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Contribute to Translations

Our goal is to make PhotoBerry Studio available for photographers and clients worldwide, and we aim to make it accessible in multiple languages. You can help by contributing translations to improve the experience for users in different regions.

How to Get Started

1. Contribute via (Free Version)

For the free version of PhotoBerry Studio, translations can be submitted directly through the official WordPress translation platform.

Steps to Contribute:

  1. Visit the translation page:
    🔗 Translate PhotoBerry Studio on
  2. Select your preferred language.
  3. Click on a translation string that needs improvement or has not been translated.
  4. Submit your suggested translation.
  5. A WordPress Polyglot Team member will review and approve your contribution.

You don’t need special access to contribute here, but your translations will require approval from an official WordPress translation editor.

2. Request Contributor Access for Full Plugin Translations

If you want to contribute more extensively, including translating settings and UI elements for both free and premium features, you can request access to our dedicated translation platform.

How to Request Access:

  1. Send an Email:
    Include your preferred language and any previous translation experience.

  2. Use the Translation Platform:
    Once approved, you will receive access to our translation tool:
    🔗 Translate PhotoBerry Studio

  3. Follow Translation Guidelines:

    • Keep translations clear and concise.
    • Use standard WordPress terminology where applicable.
    • Ensure consistency across different sections of the plugin.

3. Become a WordPress Polyglot

If you are an active contributor and want to help approve translations, you can request to become a Translation Editor (Polyglot) for your language.

How to Apply as a Polyglot:

  1. Visit the WordPress Polyglots team page:
    🔗 WordPress Polyglots Team
  2. Read the translation editor guidelines.
  3. Apply by commenting on the relevant Make WordPress Polyglots post or by reaching out to an existing translation editor in your language.
  4. If approved, you’ll be able to review and approve translations for PhotoBerry Studio and other WordPress projects.

By contributing, you're helping photographers worldwide use PhotoBerry Studio in their preferred language. We appreciate your support!